A tale is told to the meek and old, a tale as old as the sea. So, listen carefully to my tale, a tale as gruesome as it can be.
One dark and gloomy night,
Upon this fearful sight
A clown whose laughter filled the air
Whose cunning eyes they did stare.
His painted face so white
His gleaming teeth my plight
Whose hunger sought to clean me out
To drink my blood without a doubt.
I trembled there in my chair
And wished for him to spare
My life so dear so near and yet
His motives were a threat.
So up I jumped just then
To safely say “Amen”
But alas not fast he had me tight
His smile did show delight.
But I faster yet did think
And smiled at the thought and winked
That his dear demise would be a surprise
And so I did stabbed him
Straight in the eyes.
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